Cleaning with boosted water

Applying low-pressure technology with boosted water for cleaning in your processing facility significantly improves a range of key parameters

Good production hygiene and correct cleaning are essential when you want to produce quality products with a high level of food safety and optimal shelf life.

Optimizing on the cleaning process by using the right technology will not only have a positive impact on the quality of your products, but it will also improve the working environment for the cleaning staff as well as reduce cleaning time and water consumption.

Download our technology guide below and get a more detailed insight into the differences between low-pressure and high-pressure cleaning.

Want to know more?

When you sign up below you get access to download 'Cleaning in the Food and Beverage Industry - The advantages of low-pressure cleaning with boosted water.' It provides a detailed exposition of why low-pressure technology is the best cleaning technology compared to high-pressure. The e-guide is based on scientific tests performed by Sintef.
